My Home, Sinking on “SEQUENCE8″

The track “Along the pipeline” by My Home, Sinking has been selected for the last edition “SEQUENCE8″ of the free download compilation series curated by Future Sequences label.

“Along the pipeline” is an unreleased track taken from a new work-in-progress album by My Home, Sinking, featuring Elisa Marzorati at the piano and James Murray at drones/noises/voices.

“Italian resonances | Dronegazers?” a compilation by The New Noise magazine out with Oak editions

Proud to announce the release of “Italian resonances | Dronegazers?” a compilation by The New Noise magazine out with Oak editions.

The title of the work is “Italian Resonances | Dronegazers?”. It is an eight tracks album made by a seven artists collective composed by electroacoustic ambient musicians with a particular bent for drone music. Work has been commisioned by Fabrizio Garau from “” , an italian webzine focused above all about alternative, experimental music.
The artists involved in the work are: Enrico Coniglio, Alberto Boccardi, Easychord, Attilio Novellino, Cristiano Deison, Giulio Aldinucci, Francesco Giannico.
Remember we’re talking about a 100 copies album, so a limited edition in digifile format that you can already pre-order at

by Fabrizio Garau | The New Noise


The artistic residency of “LOUD ~ LISTENING THROUGH THE SOUND OF MURANO GLASS” has been held in Venice during the last days of January, 2014. The project, carried out thanks to the Consortium Promovetro Murano with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Venice, is an experiment in “sonic exploration” born with the intention of investigating the soundscapes of the Italian industrial areas, in this case of Murano island.

The initiative has been entrusted to Archivio Italiano Paesaggi Sonori, here represented by me, Alessio Ballerini and Attilio Novellino.

The project allowed us to develop a sound map of the glass production, with particular attention to the sounds related to the traditional manufacturing activities.

More infos here.