The artistic residency of “LOUD ~ LISTENING THROUGH THE SOUND OF MURANO GLASS” has been held in Venice during the last days of January, 2014. The project, carried out thanks to the Consortium Promovetro Murano with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Venice, is an experiment in “sonic exploration” born with the intention of investigating the soundscapes of the Italian industrial areas, in this case of Murano island.

The initiative has been entrusted to Archivio Italiano Paesaggi Sonori, here represented by me, Alessio Ballerini and Attilio Novellino.

The project allowed us to develop a sound map of the glass production, with particular attention to the sounds related to the traditional manufacturing activities.

More infos here.

Out now: Aqua Dorsa “The November Earth” Gterma 2013

In the last days of the year gterma label has released “The November Earth”, the last album of Aqua Dorsa, which I consider a sort of testament of the deceased Gianluigi Gasparetti, aka Oophoi. You do not know how hard it was for me to work on the album in the days when Gianluigi was fading and with increasing difficulty could answer to my emails. Fortunately we were able to finish the album and with the help of Alessandra, to include in the booklet a wonderful tale (in Italian) by Gigi. That said, I still find it hard to believe that Gigi is no longer here, but I believe that, as Ugo Foscolo said, the Poet will live forever in the memory of people thanks to the works he has left. Gigi will be still with us every time a note of his music will be played in the world…

Check it here.

Out now: øe + enrico coniglio “inner frost”

Taalem has finally released “inner frost”, a two-tracks of pure glacial ambient music, born from the collaboration between me and Fabio Perletta.

The release was ready last spring but we all decided to postpone it to a more appropriate release date. We’re now in december, you can now have the pleasure to enjoy it!

Listen/Buy here.