Loud Listening – Crónica electronica 067~2012

Four Italian soundscape artists, Alessio Ballerini, Enrico Coniglio, Giuseppe Cordaro and Attilio Novellino, worked in four ailing Italian industrial sites. Their work aimed to capture the strength of industrial noises, providing a “loud experience” of mechanical hums, natural drones, metal squeaks, waves of steam and the sounds of raw materials, simultaneously proposing to reflect over the meaning and the high social value of industries and workers in a country where they are often overlooked.

Listen/download the whole release here.

Working area…

Happy to say I was invited to partecipate to the forthcoming Fear Drop magazine compilation (Fario) and to collaborate to the new Maribor’s album (Silentes). More news soon.

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Ten years with Venice in the heart (2002-2012)

Ten years ago I released my first album Grammatologia and “so much water has flowed away under the bridge”, we use to say here. So, today I felt the need to put together some of more representative songs I made inspired by Venice. So much water has flowed away under the bridge, but the focus has always been the desire to tell about Venice and the lagoon. Her beauty, her downfall.